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Workspace for fresh circus!

PERPLX is one of the four workspaces for circus arts in Flanders and has been structurally supported by the Flemish Government from 2021 to 2025. 

A Flemish workspace for circus arts has an important support and stimulation mission with the core tasks of creation, production, presentation, development and participation

Discover contemporary circus ready to explore the world!


+32 473 24 61 13
Hellestraat 6
851O Marke Kortrijk BELGIE 
VAT: BE0458.449.912
Hermen Six

general coordinator

Aukelyn Allary

artistic coordinator

Support at PERPLX ranges from financial support

(coproduction, financial advice, ...) to residencies (studio, accommodation, ...) and artistic advice. This for both Flemish and international artists.

PERPLX also continues to focus on networks and takes on a (inter)national pioneering role.

For whom?

Workspace circus arts PERPLX supports artists who are at the beginning of their creative career and want to create an indoor performance (hall, tent or indoor locations). 


PERPLX refers to young makers as emerging, not age-related. Which means that both recent graduates and new makers are welcome.

With these makers, a long-term, tailor-made process is developed, until structural applications are made.

Feel free to contact the artistic coordinator if you are unsure whether you are eligible.

What is possible?


  • Labs where experimentation or research can be carried out, without concrete end result

  • Lab budget

  • Residencies where one can fully work on the creation

  • Co-production budget

  • Presentation possibilities in the form of show moments, premiere, ...

  • Create promotional material by using our in-house photographer and videographer for free

  • Meeting opportunities for sharing information, networking, feedback, ...

Note: A co-production without residency is not possible at PERPLX. PERPLX wants to build a personal relationship with the artists.

How to apply?​

PERPLX explicitly chooses not to work with open calls. Sending a description of the project – whether or not in file form – to the artistic coordinator or addressing the general and/or artistic coordinator is sufficient. After that, a more in-depth conversation is planned to see whether a collaboration is possible for both parties.

Presentation moments


PERPLX offers presentation platforms to both the young, fledgling work and the more established work.​


PERPLX organizes meaningful and/or interesting (reference) performances throughout the cultural season, preferably co-produced by PERPLX and at the beginning of their play series under the heading SOIREE PERPLX.


VITRINE PERPLX guarantees fresh work by young makers who have co-produced and resided at PERPLX. In short, the VITRINE is a showcase of new work and shows the trends of tomorrow.


PERPLX participates in international network and collaboration initiatives.


Circusnext is the European platform for contemporary circus, which PERPLX is a platform member of
More info


Circostrada is a European network for circus and street arts, and aims to develop, promote and put the circus sector on the map at a European and global level. It is a valuable platform for professional organizations for, among other things, the exchange of good practices. 
More info

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